



(no, I'm not intentionally quoting the mouth diarrhea we have all heard from Charlie Sheen)

I'm talking about seriously winning. There are SO many ways we all, yes you too, win everyday. However, there are SO MANY of us that only see our failures.

I used to be one of those somebodies. and I'm working hard, everyday, to change that. I catch myself from time to time focusing on what I can't do (or better yet, what I THINK I can't do) instead of putting my time and energy into realizing what I CAN DO, what I have ALREADY DONE, and what I'M DOING.

SO, yes. . .for the next few words or so I AM going to toot my own horn.

I PUT the ice cream (ben&jerry's no less) BACK IN THE FREEZER after in was in my hand & in my cart.  I have no regrets.


I pushed through the full HOUR of interval training on my bike last night. . .after I lifted. . .when after 2 weeks of training I wanted to "just take a break" and stop after 20 minutes.


After making a commitment to PAY ATTENTION (I mean REALLY pay attention) to where my money was going, I decided not to eat out unless it was a special occasion. During the month of MAY, I have only spent money in a restaurant on ONE GIRLS night (much needed, and I only spent $21 after leaving a good tip).


I decided to give yoga a try, loved it, and I think I will continue.


Yes, they are all fitness/health/lifestyle related. I realize that when I'm practicing "good form", if you will, in all of these areas not only do I look better/happier, but I FEEL BETTER. This is one of my main focuses right now, and something you will be hearing about A TON from me as I move forward on my bloggy path.

But, I want to hear from my 39 followers out there.

What ways are YOU winning?

 Give it a try, REALLY look at your daily battles, big OR small, and focus on the WINNING.

Shoot, I think I sense a weekly link up starting.

Sara Mac 


half way

It's been 3 1/2 months

We're finally on the UP side of the deployment,

the part where we can start counting DOWN the days

Just thought I'd share.

Sara Mac


this is real

I don't know how many of you watch American Idol; I never did, regularly, until this season.
One of the most touching television moments, for me, was the story of Chris Medina.

After he was eliminated from the show, he recorded a single that you can find on iTunes I believe


I wanted to post it here.

There is so much going on in the world; so much negative being shown on television. The wrong things, in my opinion, are being made to look glamorous and reality TV is questionable. We could all use a little taste of what REAL LIFE is all about. . .and THIS, is about as real as it gets.

Make sure to click the highlighted link, to find out more about Chris and Juliana's love story.
Or just google it for even more info. . .if you're a hopeless romantic like me.

It takes an amazing person to do what he's doing everyday. . .but there are a lot of people out there who ARE doing the same, I wish we heard more about them. You can find one more couple fighting a similar battle over at the blog Ben and Katie . . .read what happened first, then follow their story; it really is amazing.

Sara Mac


i'm baaaaaack

I know, I know. . .it's been WAY too long since I have been here.
I do however, like that a few people have noticed my absence.

Let's do a quick update for my first blog back.

Easter was spent with my Sister-In-Law, Sarah, and her family in VA.
Check it out

I had so much fun.

We dyed eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide.
Did a lot of playing on the swings out back. . .I pushed mostly haha.
Lots of snuggling. . .I'm tellin ya, these are the sweetest kids in the world.
And somewhere in all of that Sarah, Scott (her hubby), and I even got to have some adult time.
Oh. . .and I learned to belly dance. . .well, I need a lot more practice to say I learned.

It was a great weekend. . .and I should have updated this sooner and posted more of the pictures.

The week I got home, I had a ton of work to catch up on so that kept me away from the computer for a bit. Shoot, I even had the internet go out at the house and had to give Comcast 4 days to get here.


I also spent a lot of time working on a super special surprise for the Hubby.
I can't tell ya yet what it is
and it's KILLING me not to post every picture I have


But it's gonna have to wait a few more weeks. I'm not sure how often he checks this.

I did spend some time for ME though too.
I discovered the Charleston Farmers Market

How did I go so long NOT knowing this existed?
It takes place EVERY Saturday, 8am - 1pm, April - September
And I have decided that this is where I will eat "brunch"
Until I have to leave Charleston.

I will post more on the farmers market soon. . .promise.
I have YUMMY crepe photos to share.

Ok people. . .that's enough for now. But don't worry I won't go far this time.
I need to post updates on the Hubby
As well as some other fun stuff that :




And Don't forget to link up for the

Love ya all,
Sara Mac