
the wait is over

Yes, I cried. Yes, It was hard. Yes, I miss him already. Yes, I wish he was still here (or at least on solid US soil). Yes, I have already emailed him TWICE today. Yes, the silence of no ringing phone or text message is deafening. However, I have felt those emotions three times in the past two weeks! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO Do I want to feel it again!

I heard this song today and it felt like I could have written it to who ever decides when they go and when they stay. The back and forth has been killing me! I said goodbye when he left "home", I said goodbye when he was supposed to meet his ship the first time, and I said goodbye this morning.

 Does anyone see why I might be silently praying that I wouldn't get a phone call this afternoon telling me he was staying for a few more days? Thankfully, that call didn't come and I have to think (which means pray) that Kev is safely aboard his ship. I hate it that he's gone but now that he is I can start looking forward to having him back!

After all:

 Tomorrow is just one more sleep away; and this is just a really long day.

Sara Mac

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