
day 10 (oops, 11)

Ok. . .today's challenge is "What is in your make-up bag"



If my camera hadn't been STOLEN out of my car, or if my PHONE was working properly, I would SHOW you a picture of just HOW comical that is.
(I'm thinking I will update this post tomorrow with a picture)

In my make-up bag I have. . .




Lose powder


A nail file


I work with a few girls who have make-up suitcases (no kidding) and couldn't do bicep curls with the amount of "plaster" they tote around everyday.

Make-up scares me, it is not my friend.

Check back tomorrow for the picture update.

Sara Mac


day 10

Unfortunately, my favorite place is NOT a restaurant. . .but KEVIN has the pictures on his phone. I will try to get them as soon as I can.

However, I'm not going to "fail" at this challenge so I will go with 2nd best:

I love how the meal takes close to 2 hours, or more, to complete. I can't wait until Kevin and I have the chance to go.

 I like the food, but the experience is AWESOME. The ONE place where a meal (for me) can really be enjoyed as food is meant to be.
(other than our home)

First. . .the cheese course

The main course. . .YUMMY

And, as is should be, the best is saved for last

Hmmm. . .all I know is I'm hoping they have one in San Diego haha.

Sara Mac


day 9

Today. . .I bought Chex Mix. . .gasp.

I know, I know. . .NOT so good for me.

But I figure it's better than the oreos I bought to send my husband last week.

Sara Mac


day 8

Song for the day. . .here ya go.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
"Closer To You"

 How soft a whisper can get
When you're walking through a crowded space
I hear every word being said
And I remember that everyday
I get a little bit closer to you

How long an hour can take
When you're staring into open space
When I feel I'm slipping further away
I remember that everyday
I get a little bit closer to you

These are the days
That I won't get back
I won't hear you cry
Or hear you laugh
And when it's quite
And I don't hear a thing
I can always hear you breathe

You know there's nowhere else
I've wanted to be
Than be there when you need me
I'm sorry too
But don't give up on me
And just remember that when you get asleep
I got a little bit closer to you


And while you're here. . .head on over to the Hop

Sara Mac


day 7

Yay for weddings. I've had about every imaginable "dream wedding" planned out since I was probably 15. Little did I know that I would ever HAVE my dream wedding. . .nor that it would look quite like this.


When we first DECIDED to get married, we planned on going to the courthouse and making it official just until Kev's deployment was over. This wasn't what our hearts really wanted, so we called the family. . .and made last minute plans for our special day.

We both wore white; me in a white cotton tube dress and Kev in dark jeans and a white cotton button down. American Eagle outfitted us both. . .talk about casual. And if you know ME. . .you know casual is exactly what I like haha.

I wore boots and, although I don't have a picture of his, he did too (not the same of course haha). 

And I carried Pink and White Gerbera Daisies my favorite flower EVER; and each of our "guests" had a pink boutonniere that matched Kevin's.

Although we didn't have a "packed house" at our wedding. We were each able to have family present to help us celebrate, and we know that those not in attendance were with us in spirit. Kevin and I put everything together on pretty short notice so we knew it would be a small afair. The love we felt on our wedding day by our loved ones, both here and away, was so amazing. . .we are so blessed to have such great support systems.

It's funny to think about now, I NEVER in my life wanted to get married on the beach. I never wanted to get married in February. And I never thought I would want a small wedding.

took place on the beach in South Carolina, walking distance from where I live.

was held on the 9th of February, 2011.


had 4 people in attendance, not inculding the officiant and the two photographers.

I cannot imagine doing it any other way. . .Until, of course, we renew our vows in front of our whole family in 2012. Plans haven't been made yet. . .but I think it's safe to say that will also be a DREAM WEDDING.

Sara Mac


day 6


To fully understand WHY I want a pet llama. . .well, that's between the hubby and I; our little inside 'love story'.

But, seriously, HOW CUTE are they?

The llama jokes between Kev and I started out as a funny thing we would say to one another, and as I started looking up llamas online, I realized how AWESOME our little joke had become. Llamas are heard animals. . .you can't, or shouldn't, have JUST ONE. They get lonely and like to have company. And, as you can see from the photo above. . .llama kisses are SO CUTE.

It's hard to resist
just one llama kiss

Sara Mac



Could have made my day like waking up to an email where the Hubby attached a picture!

Replenishment at Sea. . .Keeping up the Navy tradition and transferring everything by hand.

So proud to be his Wife

Sara Mac


day 5

Today's challenge was to post a picture of myself from 2 years ago.

Thank goodness for facebook and profile pictures haha.

Here I am. . .or was.


Short hair or what?

I loved my hair short, and I often consider chopping it all off again. But, then, I remember the agony of growing it out and I reconsider. Maybe I will cut it again someday, but not any time soon.

What I DO WANT to go back to, is how I was in the BEST shape I've ever been in! Hmmm, maybe this challege is more motivation than I thought.

Sara Mac


day 4

Ok, again, no VLOG. . .and I'm so sorry. I really, really, wanted to put a video up tonight of my best friend. However, my phone is not letting me email myself the video, and for whatever reason the usb isn't working



So. . .Meet my best friend

Kevin Mac

I had a TON of pictures to post of my BFF haha. But when I decided to post my favorite picture, this one was the first thought I had. This picure was taken the night before our wedding, and his niece Emma was worn out from a long day of travel, meeting new family, and a big dinner.

When I saw this picture for the first time (my mom took it) I thought to myself, "this is it, this is what I have been waiting my whole life for" And not so much the picture, but the memories I have that go along with it. The way he interacts with this sweet little girl and the way she loves him as if he is the coolest thing since sliced bread; which he is haha.

I remember watching her fall asleep in his lap that night, and there weren't enough words to describe the feeling. Kevin truely is my best friend and, now, he's my husband. Someday, I will be taking this picture again while I, hopefully, watch our child fall asleep in his arms.

I couldn't be any luckier.

Sara Mac



We * Heart * Wednesday

A link up I'm participating in tonight. . .just because. It's all about the things "we" love. So tonight, I'm paying tribute to, well, MY LIFE haha.

I work in a gym. . .

I have spent a great deal of the past 10 years in a gym. . .

I want my motivation to, again, MOVE in the gym. . .

First, I have to

Then maybe I should try this, haha

Then. . .

Is always amazing.

And maybe one day I will look like this

Oh, a girl can dream.

Sara Mac

day 3

Ok folks, no VLOG tonight. . . I'm sorry.

But HERE is my idea of the perfect date which, if you're wondering, I have already had.

First we start off with. . .

MY HUSBAND. . .I mean, no perfect date could be complete without him


2 glasses of Red Wine. . .sharing a glass or two is one of our favorite things.

Usually, while sharing the wine, we are in the kitchen cooking. Believe me, there is NOTHING more romantic (to me) than preparing food together. Something about the "creation" process is awesome.

On our PD (perfect date), we would definitely be making

Homemade PIZZA. Kevin even likes to make the dough from scratch, which ALWAYS results in a huge mess. I suppose there is something romantic about the cleaning up process as well.

After dinner, on one of our MANY PDs, Kev would move the furniture from the living room floor, turn on the satellite radio, and ask me to dance.

Our favorite


I begged Kev to let me teach him for so long and, little by little, with lots of practice he actually danced with me IN PUBLIC. This was HUGE; if you know Kevin you know he's a liiiittle shy in some situations. However it was a big success and we often made it a habit to dance, just the two of us, and we plan on taking some lessons when he's home.

Now the last, but probably my favorite, part of our PD.

Yup, a thunderstorm. I love rain, I love lightning, and I love thunderstorms. Some of this proooobably has to do with the fact that Kev and I spent the first night we met soaking wet in the rain for hours walking and talking like old friends; the cold didn't phase me one bit. After that, storms became something we looked forward to. The night of our PD there was a HUGE storm. I excused myself to the restroom upstairs after the wine, dinner, and dancing, to come back down only to find that Kevin had taken the couch OUT of the living room, INTO the kitchen, and in front of the huge windows. We watched and listened to only the storm for hours, just soaking it all in.

It was unplanned and it was perfect.

Sara Mac


day 2

Day number 2 requires me to post pictures of something I ate today. . .

However, if you KNOW me, you know that I rarely like being told what to do, and I always like to make something my own. So, I decided to change it up slightly. Check it out:

Can you guess what it might be. . .

Keep thinking about it. . .

They sounded SO GOOD. . .

But I demonstrated SUPERIOR self control. . .

I was so proud of myself for NOT EATING. . .

Yep. . .Fresh. . .Warm. . .Gooey


And NO, I did not eat the missing goodies. . .But I did give the culprit a hard time today. All in fun of course, every once in a while ya just gotta cave; today, however, was not my day to give in!

Sara Mac




So. . .I said that I had a hard time (sometimes) figuring out what to write about, remember? Well, TA-DA. Answer found. I saw this 30 Day Blog Challenge over at Hello Tiffany and thought I'd give it a try. Take a look:

Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 – A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – Your Favorite Movie.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 27 – A photo of something that means alot to you
Day 28 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 29 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Interesting huh? Keep your eyes peeled on my blog, and check out Hello Tiffany while you're at it to see how her challenge is going.

Love Ya

Sara Mac


i confess


I confess. . .

I got a PROMOTION at work, but I am a little overwhelmed.

Actually, alot overwhelmed.

I manage a gym and, the owners have big expectations.

I, also, have big expectations.

I don't like letting people down, and I worry I might fail.

However, I have a great support system, and I know the believe in me.

I confess. . .

I mildly (understatement) went into panic mode this morning when I saw the news about Japan.

I have said more than 10,000 prayers today for the men and women of the US Military helping out.

I have also said 10,000 prayers for the family effected by the disaster.

I've never been more proud NOT to receive an email from my Hubby. . .must be doing his job.

I confess. . .

I have cried ALOT this week.

This is our first deployment and I'm learning very quickly what this life is all about.

I have come to a few conclusions.

I will NEVER get used to him being gone.

I will NEVER completely be at ease until he's safe at home.

And I would NEVER trade this for anything in the world!

I confess. . .

I want a day off. . .literally. . .from my life.

I'm a bit exhausted, and I stress out easily and over extend myself.

I want to sleep all day. . .but there aren't enough hours.

I confess. . .

I hate you Daylight Savings Time.

You are not going to help my cause for more sleep.

I confess. . .

I love you Daylight Savings Time

You make the sun shine longer.

You make more hours at the beach possible.

I confess. . .

I have been a bad blogger.

I have a hard time deciding what to write about.

I spend most of my time OVER-thinking my ideas.

But I love to spend time reading posts from friends.

I confess. . .

I wouldn't mind this being my full time job!

Given the right amount of time, I think I could be good at this.

Maybe after I start having babies haha.

But, MOM, Cindy. . .don't get TOO excited ok. . .still some time to go haha.

Ok, that was it for this Friday. . .I think I will participate in this more often. If nothing other than to get things off my chest. It won't always be fun, but it will be real.

Sara Mac


manic monday #3

Today, I'm not even going to show you my list of to-dos. I'm so disappointed with how many things I DIDN'T get done last week it's unreal.

Monday, you are starting to be a real pain in my "you-know-what".

I guess I need to do some adjusting because, I'm still not sleeping well which is making me tired all the time. Making it difficult to find the motivation for getting things checked off said list.

I thought maybe this blog hop would help me keep it easy and simple today. . .

Sara Mac


i carry your heart

I remember when Kev and I first started daiting.
He was starting the last portion of Nuke school, feeling like he might not be able, and overall a little discouraged. On the other hand, I was dealing with an emotional baggage of my own that threatened, everyday, the sanity (for lack of a better term haha) I could bring to our relationship.
I wanted him to know that he had all of my love and support, and that I was there for him. . .even when I couldn't be "there". I slipped a note into his pocket and told him not to take it out unless he really, really, needed me.
(this is a copy of the original note that Kev put in an album me made me)
It was in that pocket for a few days before he took it out. . .we were going through a period of time where we didn't see each other regularly and both of us were pretty stressed about it. I went by his place one day to surprise him and I found him taking a nap, note in hand. . .It was the best feeling in the world.
I don't know if many of you recognize the poem I quoted in the note, but I recommend it to any of you reading this; I Carry Your Heart - E.E. Cummings.
This poem continues to be something I hold close to me, to give me comfort, and it meant even more to me when Kev made me this.
(also in my album)
Even though he's far away, we will always support one another. 
He still has my heart in his pocket. . .and I carry his heart with me (I carry it in my heart).
Sara Mac 


Fill-In Friday

Hey everyone, I know it's been a long week and no posts from me. I have been crazy busy with work, which I plan to post about soon, and had so many exciting things going on I haven't hardly had time to think. I don't know how some of the ladies I have started meeting through the blogging community do it all. . .and STILL find the time to write some amazing content; KUDOS to all of them.

One of those ladies, Wife of A Sailor, has a wonderful way of getting to know her readers and I decided to start taking part! What she does is create a list of questions, we fill-in the answers, we post to our blog on Friday, then at the end of it we can link up through her blog to read what others have posted.

This is my first time participating in

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

So let's see how this goes; here are the questions, as well as my answers:

1. Do you or your {spouse} ever wish your {spouse} was in a different branch of the military? submitted by The Turner Family
Kev and I have talked about this before and, even though it depends on the mood of the day, he is very proud to be in the Navy. His older sister served in the Navy a few years ago, helping him make his choice, and he joined along side his twin brother Brian. I think that the only thing Kev really wishes sometimes is that he and his brother could work more closely. . .Kev is a Nuke and Brian is a Flight Engineer on P-3's.

2. What duty station(s) are on your “No Way, Hell No, Not Going, Have Fun Unaccompanied” list and why? submitted by Every Branch
I'm new to the military as a whole, so I can't really SAY which duty stations I WOULDN'T want to go to. However, while I'm excited about the idea of being in San Diego and spending a little time up in Washington, Kevin is NOT a happy camper and would rather be in Washington FOR-E-VER!! But. . .Duty Calls.

3. If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose and why? submitted by Three Krakens
Well, so far the 20-something that I am right now has been the best year EVER and I think I could stary right here always. While there are days I miss being 5, the only child, the boss, and not having a worry in the world, I know I can't go back any more than I can stand still. So I'm thinking that after this 20-something I want the next 20-something to be the best, and the one after that, and so-on and so-forth.

If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would you be? submitted by the C.W. 
 Eeeeeeay question, Marshmallow Mateys. I loved Lucky Charms when I was younger. . .but now, I love the savings I get with Marshmallow Mateys and actually think they taste better. Kevin and I love looking for the bag with the most marshmallows, just one of the "little things" that mean so much to me.

What is your morning beverage of choice and why?  submitted by NH Girl Displaced 
 Apple Juice and Water; not one glass of each but, one glass with half apple juice and half water. I know, I'm a weirdo but sometimes I DO take a walk on the wild side and go with the AJ straight-up. . .watch out.

Ok, that was quite enough from me in one post. If you're reading this thank you for getting this far and not moving on to something more interesting. Also,if you want to read answers from other bloggers just click the button bellow and enjoy; and if you're interested in reading more from Wife of A Sailor just click the name here or up top.

See you next time,

Sara Mac

ring me

Like so many others, I have been watching people link up to this and decided. . .Why not??

The link up is "Show Me Your. . .Rings", brought to us by Mrs. Yellow Ribbon.

Did you look at rings together?
Only the wedding bands. When we decided to get married (and we KNEW we wanted to long before either one of us said it) I didn't want a diamond ring.

Do you like your ring? Did you from the beginning?...and be honest!
Like it is an understatement. I wanted a simple wedding band that symbolized the importance of the commitment we were making to one another. However, Kevin surprised me with what he calls his "official" proposal and not only presented me with the band I liked but with a "present" and the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It's so. . .ME.

Sorry for such a yucky picture of my hand. . .

How often do you wear your rings?
I don't take them off unless I'm lifting at the gym. . .and even then they NEVER leave my sight.

Do you clean your rings?
I've only been wearing them for a month this coming Wed. But I will have them cleaned at the jewelers once every 6 mo.

What went through your mind the very first time you saw your ring?
I'm pretty sure I was thinking about kissing him. . .typical me. . .haha.

Enough said,

Sara Mac