
behind the lens

Here is a photo I took the other day on my way to work.

The fog was so heavy you could hardly see while driving, and as I passed over Shem Creek, I absolutely has to turn around and go back.

I parked behind one of the restaurants

 walked out onto the docks

and snapped this.

I used a 70's filter from picplz,

a photo app for an android phone
(seeing as how I CAN'T use instagr.am because I DON'T have an iPhone, bummer)

I took 3 photography courses in college, amongst graphic design, senior portfolio, typography, and a few others; I was actually only 6 credit hours away from a minor in graphic design.

I miss how much fun I had and I'm gonna post some of the work I did in school here soon.

Kevin saw this photo, and encouraged me to get some nicer equipment because I've told him a lot about how much I loved photography in college so, I'm thinking of taking a few photography courses to get back into it; save getting the "nicer" equipment for later.


However, I DO want to ask YOU ALL something

Has anyone ever used a Holga, or another "toy" camera. . .and have reviews.

 I really, really, really think I want a plastic lens camera, but the FILM is so DAMN EXPENSIVE (we're talking $18 a roll). So I'm interested in learning HOW to use a plastic lens on a digital camera.

I know it can be done haha.

For now, I guess I'll stick to filters.

Sara Mac

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