
day 14

My Favorite Show of the Moment

Definitely ABC's series Brothers & Sisters.

Now in it's 5th Season, I'm hoping this show doesn't go anywhere ANYTIME soon.
I just finished watching Season 4. . .because of my work schedule, I don't have much time to WATCH the show when it airs, so I rely on Netflix most of the time.

I don't think there is ONE character in the whole cast that I don't like watching.

I come from a large family, where my mom is 1 of 8.

I am 1 of 4 in my "extended" family.

My husband is 1 of 5

I can relate to Brothers and Sisters, seeing how while they each have their own lives. . .everyone of them is intangled in the other one.

However. . .JUSTIN & REBECCA

By far my favorite story line of the show. . .which I have a feeling I will be getting VERY UPSET when I get around to watching Season 5.

SOME of their story feels like SOME of mine. . .so, if they get rid of Rebecca, I hope they have plans to bring her BACK!

If you haven't seen it. ..check it out ASAP.

Sara Mac


  1. i've only watched the first season of this but i did like it! i'll get around to watching the rest soon.....x


    You probably will be disappointed in Season 5 with your fav story line....SORRY!
