
breakfast pt.2

So, did anyone take a guess at what was in my breakfast blender yesterday. . .

Did anyone even care. . .haha.

Well. . .Here was my preview

It wasn't a shake I can tell you THAT.

Check it out.

Yes. . .Pancakes. . .IN a BLENDER.

Not just ANY pancake MIX though


Yes, Yes, There is SUCH a thing as GOOD FOR YOU pancakes. Want the Recipe. . .
well, OK. . .Here it is.


1 cup Oatmeal
2/3 cup plain or vanilla protein powder
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt (optional. . .i don't use)
3 egg whites
1 cup fat-free (skim) milk
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Nonstick cooking spray

Mix first 5 ingredients together and place in BLENDER
 add the rest and BLEND WELL

Preheat skillet and coat with nonstick spray

Pour 1/4 cup of batter at a time.  .and cook just like any other pancake!!!

I LOVE these with Sugar Free syrup, and strawberries. . .bananas work well too, as to raspberries and blackberries.


Sara Mac


i made it


DAY 30 

Of My 

It's oooooooooover. . .Sweet.

I will say though, that while I didn't THINK I had enough time to possibly write a blog post everyday, I DID. I even learned a lot about myself in the past 30 days through some of my favorite posts such as:

Just click on each one to take a look.

Now, for 3 POSITIVE things that have happened to me in the past 30 Days



  • Visiting the Sister in VA for Easter
  • My MOM and her Best Friend are COMING in June. . .watch out Charleston






And, don't worry. . .I will be filling everyone in soon.

Now, I have to rest up. . .I didn't get a lot of sleep last night heehee.

Sara Mac

breakfast anyone

Here's a preview of what's to come.
I don't have much time to post. . .so more pictures, and a recipe will follow.

Anyone wanna take a guess?

Sara Mac

much love mondays

I'm joining up on muchlove, a blog I found through a friend, and taking part in "much love monday"
There are A LOT of things I can say I love

But Most of all. . .I LOVE

Love Letters.

Got something YOU love??
Link Up

Sara Mac

PS. . .I can't forget GIVEAWAYS heehee. . .I LOVE those too.
Find Confessions of a Sailor's Wife if you wanna share the love.

PSS. . .that was my FIRST PS haha


day 29

It's Day 29

When I read that the challenge for today was to "write a letter to someone who has hurt you" I almost did cartwheels. I have been through a lot in the past year, made some changes in my life, and moved past all the negative I was holding on to.

I don't want to write a letter to tell someone something they don't want to hear, nor do I care to have fixed. I have learned that, sometimes, it is far better to just take a deep breath and move forward.

BUT. . .I couldn't help my mind from giggling a bit when I thought of a few choice words I wished I would have said before. And my mind instantly FLEW to a purchase I made from on Etsy about a year ago.

YES. . .those are "greeting cards".

I bought about 10 cards, these two were BY FAR my favorite. Often times I want to say things, but can't find the words. Now, I never sent the cards. . .I keep them to remind me to laugh, and that NOTHING needs to be taken too seriously.

I hope all of you are laughing right now.

I do, however, want to post a song that I think we can all relate to at some point.

There will always be mean people.


I'm walking forward, and not looking back.

Sara Mac



day 28

Ok. . .seriously


It's day 28 of this dang challenge

I'm tired of it to be honest haha.  I have MORE than a few things I want to blog about. ***I want to do some major site overhaul***. . .added pages, more color maybe, I dunno. . .but I never did like being told what to do.

Haha. . .why did I think it was a good idea being told what to blog about.

Anyway. . .I'm going to finish what I've started and tell you


I loooooooove, love, love reading. . .and my wonderful HUBBY fed my addiction by getting me


Gosh, I was so excited I didn't know what to do. . .I was also gifted a leather case with a built-in light, a kindle skin to make it a weeeeee bit prettier, and I gift card to stock up on the books I want to read.

This was BY FAR the best gift ever. I mean, Kev had decided on this being my gift because I told him I wanted to read 52 books in 2011 as a goal. . .and I didn't even KNOW what a Kindle was.

So, thank you Dear Husband. . .I love you and I can't wait to read "OUR" books.

Sara Mac


CHECK IT OUT over at Confessions of a Sailor's Wife ***


day 27

I could think of a few pictures of something that means a lot to me for today's challenge.

A picture of Kevin

 of my family

 of my friends

of my wedding rings

my truck

my favorite book

my favorite stuffed animal


However. . .if there was a fire, one thing I would NOT leave my house without is this

not just any old picture album.

It's filled with my husband's version of


He wrote it out, drew pictures, and brought it to life.

It's my real life fairy tale.

I stays in my bed with me, right next to "Kevin's" pillow. And I look through it often.

I can't wait until he's home. . .and, together, we can add to it.

Happily Ever After

Sara Mac

behind the lens

Here is a photo I took the other day on my way to work.

The fog was so heavy you could hardly see while driving, and as I passed over Shem Creek, I absolutely has to turn around and go back.

I parked behind one of the restaurants

 walked out onto the docks

and snapped this.

I used a 70's filter from picplz,

a photo app for an android phone
(seeing as how I CAN'T use instagr.am because I DON'T have an iPhone, bummer)

I took 3 photography courses in college, amongst graphic design, senior portfolio, typography, and a few others; I was actually only 6 credit hours away from a minor in graphic design.

I miss how much fun I had and I'm gonna post some of the work I did in school here soon.

Kevin saw this photo, and encouraged me to get some nicer equipment because I've told him a lot about how much I loved photography in college so, I'm thinking of taking a few photography courses to get back into it; save getting the "nicer" equipment for later.


However, I DO want to ask YOU ALL something

Has anyone ever used a Holga, or another "toy" camera. . .and have reviews.

 I really, really, really think I want a plastic lens camera, but the FILM is so DAMN EXPENSIVE (we're talking $18 a roll). So I'm interested in learning HOW to use a plastic lens on a digital camera.

I know it can be done haha.

For now, I guess I'll stick to filters.

Sara Mac

friday fill-in #37

Again, participating in

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

Here we Gooooooooooooo

1. With PCS moves happening every few years, do you take the time to paint and decorate your home? submitted by Life as Mrs. JPT

Hmmm. . .Interestingly enough. . .I don't KNOW, but I'm guessing NOT. I love the IDEA of decorating, and I LOVE home decor magazines, shows, etc. However, I have moved SO MANY times, I don't think that when my moves become PCS dictated this will encourage something I haven't ever done before. Once Kevin and I have a "permanent" home. . .hint hint cabin. . .I will go CRAZY

2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? submitted by Standing By Him

Seriously, I have NO IDEA. . .I could think of a movie maybe. . .but not off the top of my head. That's a hard one. Maybe the tree house from Swiss Family Robinson. . .I'm not kidding. I have ALWAYS wanted a tree house. . .maybe Kevin will help me build one someday

3. What inspired you to start your blog?  submitted by Pink Combat Boots

Ya know, it just FELT RIGHT. I was embarking on a new step in my life. . .MARRAIGE, and I have actually TRIED blogging before with no success. I'm not sure what the "final straw" was, but I'm glad it happened haha. This is so much fun. . .and hopefully I will really discover where I want this blog to go.

4. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen on base? submitted by Adventures in Life

I haven't been in the military life long enough to see much of ANYTHING on base, let alone something that could be classified as the "craziest". It was funny, however, one day I was at the Mini-Nex and as I was leaving some guy starting pointing saying, "hey, that's the Planet Fitness lady." Haha. . .regionally famous I suppose.

5. Which historical figure (politician, writer, artist, scientist, actor, etc…) would you like to have dinner with?  submitted by Army of Two

E.E. Cummings, so he could tell me the story of the one who's heart he carries in his pocket.

Alright. . .enough from me. . .can't wait to see what everyone else says.

Sara Mac


day 26

A year ago, almost, for today's challenge

Sorry It's so small. . .but HELLO collarbone

UGH. . .



to get back to THAT.

I'm looking to a friend, and new blogger, over at Weighting Game for inspiration.

Wish Me Luck

Sara Mac


day 25

Sorry I'm going to be lazy on this post. I'm tired and not feeling well

Sorry Day 25


I have lived in NC/SC for almost 9 years now and, here, it's called a pocket book.

However, I don't carry a pocket book. . .I ACTUALLY carry a pocket book.

I know, I know. . .confusing huh. . .I was too. . .but I'm pretty sure I just gave into the fact that it doesn't matter how BIG what you carry around is, as long as it holds SOMEHTING.


This is what I carry. Only EXCEPTION. . .I DO NOT use that silly looking strap haha.

It holds what I need.

Not much to it, and YES

I call it a pocket book.

Sara Mac


day 24

Today is gonna be a short one in the challenge

It's 2300, I've been at work since 0830.

I had the owners come in from New Hampshire and do an inspection.
(It went well. . .I think haha)

A few meetings, lots of cleaning, even more paper work, and not to mention I have been aching to email my husband all day. I'm tired and ready for bed, and it sucks that I have to do that alone.

So. . .I'm supposed to post a picture of somewhere I have been.

Yep. . .Paris. I think I've mentioned that before, not sure, but I KNOW I haven't posted a picture. I didn't take this one, but most of my pictures were taken with film so I don't have many of them uploaded.

I can't say I would want to go to Paris again. . .not before I saw other countries anyhow. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, it just wasn't my cup of tea. I'd rather have been in the country sides of France rather than in a big city. I'm definitely NOT a city girl.

I am, however, thankful that I was able to see Paris. . .and who knows, maybe someday I'll go back.

For now,

Au revoir.

Sara Mac


day 23 and more fun facts

Today's challenge is to list 15 fact about myself


I'm sure that's what everyone wants haha. However, I'm not one to give up. . .so I'm gonna list them.

1. I love to sing karaoke! Haha. . .Summer Lovin' is my FAVORITE

2. My birthday is HALLOWEEN and, yes, I still enjoy dressing up.

3. Law & Order SVU, along with NCIS, rules my TV when I'm able to watch.

4. I think that there are bigger fish to fry in America than Pia getting kicked off American Idol. . .get over it people. 

5. When I learned to ride a 2-wheel bike I wouldn't let my dad help me. . .I was determined to do it myself while he watched me from the living room window. I learned.

6. I'm still upset with my mom for cutting all my hair off when I was a little girl heehee. . .she COULD have gotten that gum out

7. My favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry's Phish Food

8. I miss my husband

9. I couldn't wait for Kevin to give me his last name. . .I guess I'm old fashioned like that.

10. I learned how to surf in Hawaii last year in Feb. It was AWESOME

11. I loved visiting France and Spain in college, I wish I hadn't lost MOST of my pictures when I moved.

12. My dream vacation is. . .ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE. . .but mostly I'd like to see Alaska, Ireland, and Austraila. . .and I LOVE ROAD TRIPS.

13. I live with a crazy guy named Dave. ..who is going to be a millionaire one day because of me (I just can't say why yet) haha

14. I want to take a few photography classes and I would LOVE to have a plastic lens camera like a Holga; film is SO expensive though. . .so for now, I'll use a Holga filter.

15. I bought the new Britney Spears CD. . .it's not bad, and something in me will ALWAYS hope that her and Justin get back together.

Whew. . .15. . .that was tough, and I'm not that interesting.

Sara Mac


military monday & day 22

There is NO WAY I could list just ONE movie as my favorite


I'm gonna show you a clip from my favorite movie of the moment



If you haven't seen Despicable Me, I urge you to do so ASAP

Do you like animated movies?

What is YOUR favorite movie or movie clip. . .something you could watch over and over again?

I hope that everyone leaves a comment as I'm always looking for something new to see.



So, go ahead, HOP on over. . .Everyone is welcome.

Sara Mac


hurry, hurry, hurry

Hello Readers

Want to win sweet discount code for 15% off your order at

It's a sweet little etsy shop that sells the cutest shelves, spice racks, coat racks, etc. all in shabby chic colors. Some of them even come with mason jar vases. They are all pretty much amazing.

Here is an example

(I do not own this picture. Full credit goes to TR Woodworks)

So, if you've clicked the link above to see what they have going on. . .head on over to

for instructions on how to win.


Sorry I didn't hear about this sooner, I will do better next time to let you all know.

Sara Mac

day 21

Makes me happy.

Not just any dreams though. . .OUR dreams, Kev and I.

We talk about all of the things we want to do together often. . .it helps keep us focused on him coming home as opposed to him being gone.

There are TONS of things we have already said we want to do. . .at SOME point in our lives.

Here are two of my favorites.

I can't WAIT for this.

Hopefully this part of the dreaming will happen sooner rather than later. . .when he gets home

I've always wanted to drive Route 66 the WHOLE way, from Chicago to LA

Seems so romantic to me

And, don't worry, I will definitely be posting the pictures. . .and there will be LOTS of pictures.

Yep, the ROAD TRIP is gonna be AWESOME

However, my favorite dream that we have is


We talk about where we will want to build it.

We talk about how we will spend our time when we're there.

And of course we talk about what we want it to look like.

My personal favorite, from the collage above, is the main picture. I love how cozy it is. Neither Kevin and I want anything big. . .and I definitely want a space where we can FILL IT with what's important. . .LOVE. I especially like how the bed is a loft that sits over the rest of the space; it's SO awesome. It's probably not the "ideal" set up once we have a family. . .but I'm sure we will find a way to take ALL of our ideas and merge them into one SWEET CABIN.

Dreaming makes me happy

Knowing those dreams are going to come true


Sara Mac


postmarked CVN-76 & day 20

Ok, everyone, I want to share an email Kev sent to everyone in the family. It was very touching. . .especially his shout-out to ME, and I wanted to share it with some of my friends here as a lot of you are military families.

I'm so proud of my husband. . .and I'm so happy that he was excited to let me post this.


Hey all!

First of all, I wanna say that I miss everyone back home (NM, WA, VA, IL, CT and, not that I play favorites or nothin ;), but especially SC!!!). I came across a website recently (only accessible to folks on the ship unfortunately) that has a ton of pictures of ship life! Even though sometimes I feel like I'm super focused on my job specifically, this website really puts into perspective what our mission is as a whole. So, I want to share this with my family so you can get an idea of what “we” do!

This email is going to focus on the relief efforts in Japan . Some of these pictures make me realize just how fortunate we all are. And I am so grateful that we can provide support to our fellow man when they are in need. Even though we sacrifice our “visits” to other foreign ports to be here, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Its hard to describe just how rewarding it is to be able to give this kind of support to a community that was struck by such a tragedy.

The pictures I included are all from the Ronald Reagan and, in fact, are the people that I have the privilege of working side-by-side with everyday. Since the tsunami hit, we’ve been loading supplies onto helos and delivering to remote communities that are not easily accessible by Japanese authorities. I’ve talked with many of the people that actually deliver the supplies, and they tell me that the people are incredibly welcoming and even more grateful for our support. Again, I gotta say that it warms my heart to know that we get to help in this effort. We get emails and letters and thank you cards from the Japanese everyday thanking us for what we are doing. I wish I could tell them that there is no thanks required, this is just what you do when someone needs help.

I hope that these pictures give you a better idea of exactly what we are doing here. When we land our choppers in those communities and deliver essential supplies and food to the Japanese, that is ALL of us as a nation. Be proud that you are a part of such a wonderful nation. And be grateful that we can extend a helping hand to our fellow man. And please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.



And I can't forget to keep up with the

30 Day Challenge

I'm just gonna send you back to one of my FIRST posts

for the meaning behing Anchors & Sails

Sara Mac


7 "stylish blogger" facts

I know, who whould have thought, me?


My blogosphere friendTiffany over at  Hello Tiffany gifted me with MY FIRST AWARD. Yay, go me. Maybe, because of this award, I will become more active in my attempt to JAZZ UP the look of my blog, and pin down what I really want TO SAY and DO.

As the recipient of this award, I'm required to write 7 facts about myself and then gift 7 other blogs with this award. So, Here goes with my 7 Facts.


1. I own a sewing machine. . .nevermind that I haven't used it in a LONG time.

2. I live on an ISLAND. . .I also got married on the same ISLAND. (oops, that was two facts)

3. I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice, but I run a Planet Fitness gym.

4. I like movies, but I LOVE books, so always want to read the book first; Water For Elephants is next on this list.

5. Sometimes I don't try things I want to, because I'm afraid I might fail. . .I'm trying to get better about this.

6. My favorite song is so cliche. . .a Hall and Oats favorite. . .and called Sara Smile

7. I have a torn ACL. . .I tore it twice playing volleyball in college and never had it repaired after tear #2.


Ok. . .enough about me, especially because are technically MORE than 7 facts.

Now. . .for the blogs I'm gifting with the Stylish Blogger Award.
(in no particular order)

(I was JUST featured on this bloggers most recent "Wedding Gown Wednesday")

 Note that there are a TON of blogs I follow. . .more that I read. . .so this was a tough choice. I choose these 7 blogs all for different reasons! I hope you find at least ONE that you enjoy as much as I do all 7.

Sara Mac

day 19

Today is Friday. . .so what better picture to post than

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Sorry folks, long day.

However, don't forget. . .it's a MilSpouse Weekly Roundup

Our Crazy Life

Head over to Our Crazy Life for the link up. . .have fun.

Sara Mac

Sara Mac


day 18

I Crave

And Someone

 5 more months. . .and then I get what I want.

Well, the cuddling part haha, I dunno if I will get the weather. . .but I will take the cuddling anyway.

Sara Mac


day 17

Today's challenge is probably one of my favorite so far.


I have a HUGE family, my mom's side, my dad's side, my husband's HUGE family, and the friends who I consider my family.

However, I thought it fitting to honor a man, known to many as "The Bud Man". A year ago this April, he passed away, and although gone from the Earth he is still VERY MUCH a part of our everyday lives. He raised a family, built a legacy, and left behind shoes no man or women could ever fill. . .except Mary of course.

My Grandfather, Bill McMahon.

Working for Budweiser wasn't just a job. It gave more to a family of 10 than a roof over their heads or food on their table; it gave them stability, a slice of American history, and pride.

 Budweiser is MORE than just a beer, MORE than the KING of Beers.

A product that, like my family, has stood strong through the test of time.
Budweiser has never failed.

Budweiser is Tradition.

Budweiser is Legacy.

When the "Bud Man" himself left us, we carried on his tradition as one.

People may not understand what we do or, why we do it with a beer in our hands,

Why the gifts in old wooden crates, stamped with our history, are better than the gifts wrapped in shiny paper under the tree,

The Irish wakes, the funny clothes, or the company we keep.

But to us, Budweiser unites us with memories we will not soon forget

and a story that we can pass along for all the days of our lives.

And I'm sure, that when My Grandpa was called up to the gates of Heaven. . .the words he heard were this:

Here comes the King, Here comes the Big Number One,
Budweiser Beer is Beer that's second to none.
The King is calling, so loud and clear.
There's only ONE Budweiser Beer.
There's only ONE Budweiser Beer.

(this is NOT my grandfather)

Thank you Grandpa for Giving us a Legacy and a Tradition to build upon.
Thank you Grandma for holding us all together, as you continue to do everyday.
Thank You Both for teaching ALL OF US the meaning of FAMILY.


This Bud's for You.

Sara Mac


day 16

So, I don't think I HAVE a true celebrity "crush".

However, I think I MIGHT have found an underlying theme that COULD explain part of my childhood haha.

I LOVED the show Home Improvement.

I thought I was "in love" with JTT, or, Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

My parents joked about me being "in love" with Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.


Thought I had subconcious "crush" on


I mean. . .just look at my hubby haha

Hahaha. . .now THAT'S FUNNY. . .I don't care who ya are.

Ok, ok, he's more handsome (in my opinion)

In better shape

Not as hairy. . .thank goodness

And sans tool belt.

Kevin DOES, however, carry a multi tool. . .he says it makes him feel "manly" heehee (it makes me giggle).

But I think I just figured it out: I love flannel and I love a man's man.

I will leave you all with this video clip from Home Improvement

Live. Laugh. Love. Wear Flannel

Sara Mac


day 15

If this even a SERIOUS question?

Something I can't leave the house without?

How about TWO things.

My IPOD. . .

I listen to this in the car on my way to work
At the gym while I'm working out
In the car on my way HOME from work
And sometimes even before I fall asleep.


I use this for everything
My alarm clock
My email (all 3 of them)
Keeping up with all my blogs
Communications at work
SOMETIMES, if I FORGET my IPOD. . .gasp. . .as my mp3 player
And obviously, as a plain ol' simple phone.

Enough said

Sara Mac


day 14

My Favorite Show of the Moment

Definitely ABC's series Brothers & Sisters.

Now in it's 5th Season, I'm hoping this show doesn't go anywhere ANYTIME soon.
I just finished watching Season 4. . .because of my work schedule, I don't have much time to WATCH the show when it airs, so I rely on Netflix most of the time.

I don't think there is ONE character in the whole cast that I don't like watching.

I come from a large family, where my mom is 1 of 8.

I am 1 of 4 in my "extended" family.

My husband is 1 of 5

I can relate to Brothers and Sisters, seeing how while they each have their own lives. . .everyone of them is intangled in the other one.

However. . .JUSTIN & REBECCA

By far my favorite story line of the show. . .which I have a feeling I will be getting VERY UPSET when I get around to watching Season 5.

SOME of their story feels like SOME of mine. . .so, if they get rid of Rebecca, I hope they have plans to bring her BACK!

If you haven't seen it. ..check it out ASAP.

Sara Mac


day 13

Yay. . .a VIDEO for today's entry.

Which, might I mention my Husband is going to KILL ME.

Yep, you guessed it.

My Favorite Musician IS


He's such an amazing and gifted man. He plays by ear and can play most songs just by hearing them once. I'm telling you, I could listen to him play all day. The classical stuff he plays is my favorite, but I don't have a video of that, so I decided to post a little video of him playing around with Brother Brian (Kevin's identical twin). Brian is UBER talented as well and plays the guitar. . .maybe I'll post a video of this later.

Sorry for the poor video quality. . .I recorded this on my cell phone. I wish I had used my camera, but I had no idea that I would be using it for this purpose later.

Kev, if you're reading this. . .don't be SOOOOO angry ok. . .I love you and I THINK you're amazing.

Can't wait to unpack the piano this fall when you COME HOME.

Sara Mac


day 12

I live on an Island


However. . .because I'm not interested in stalkers haha. I'm going to show a picture of Charleston, SC.

It's pretty dang close.

Rainbow Row

It's a pretty big deal.

Sara Mac